Welcome to 

Ceremony and Ritual, 

A source to connect within and deeper with your authentic self.

Life coaching in a candle....It's not just a candle. These candles are made with intention and care, and come with a guide to support you to connect and manifest, to embody your intentions, and to receive the flame within.  You are your higher self; this is your tool. Come, bee guided.

1:1 deep immersion coaching. Every session you bring the topic. I provide deep listening, reflection, and all the powerful questions you need to receive to lead, guide, and trust your self more deeply.

An incredible 2 hour experience, in which I guide you into a deep meditation wherein you are the guide...You take the journey, you live the experience, and receive exactly the information you were meant to receive in that moment.

Learn about your unique genetic blueprint here on this Earth. Human Design is a combination of astrology, the IChing, Quantum Mechanics, the Indian Chakra System, and the Kaballah. It is about learning and following your unique strategy and authority, and is an incredible tool to know, embody, and love your self in a deeper way.

About Me:

My name is Christina Love Hoffman and I currently live in Asheville, NC with my two young sons and our cat, Mochi. I love to help facilitate other's journeys of growth, just as I love to facilitate mine.

I am certified by two organizations in Transformational Life Coaching and am trained in Root Cause Coaching as well. Some people describe my approach as somatic because it is important for me to know what is going on in the body and support you in connecting to yours. This makes sense considering my background in Massage Therapy...

As souls, we come into this life and need to continually integrate.

I am certified in Akashic Records Facilitating and have taken multiple courses on the subject. Though, we all have access to the Akashic Records continually, sometimes we need support in accessing them. That's where I come in, though I don't tell you about your experience - you experience everything first hand in the journey.

I began my beeswax candle making business when I was looking for more ritual in my life, something that could help ground me with intention during the day and at the beginning of the day, so I began lighting candles. As an herbalist, I realized I had beeswax on hand, as well as wicks, so began making my own candles, and thus the journey of Ceremony and Ritual began. I knew right away that this is what I would call my business and, thus, all my offerings are now offered under one roof. 

I look forward to walking this path together and weaving new connections and learnings as we reprogram our individual and collective mapping here in this world.